Braked Pallet Trucks – 1000 x 685


Progressive braking system & parking brake facility. With the braking device, the walking speeak can be controlled by ha….

Progressive braking system & parking brake facility. With the braking device, the walking speeak can be controlled by hand. When you pull the brake knob in upward direction, the brake works. You can use the brake no matter if the truck is moving or not
Fork Width: 160mm
Conform to EN 1757-2
Lowered height of forks: 85mm, Raised height of forks: 200mm
Mobile on 200mm nylon steering wheels & 80mm nylon front rollers
Complete with entry & exit rollers
Fork length: 1000mm
Width over forks: 685mm

01442 265111

available from 09:00 – 17:00