BOXlift© is a goods lift of up to 2000kg rated load, specially designed for use in buildings with high turn- over and movement of goods between floors – such as shopping centres, department stores, hypermarkets and industrial installations…

, Modular Lifts
, Modular Lifts


BOXlift© is a sophisticated and reliable high-perfor- mance machine, far superior to the standard platforms and goods lifts on offer.

Wide range of options available
BOXlift© is available with load capacities of 500, 1000, 1500 or 2000kg, with a full range of lift car configu- rations available for each model. Over and above our wide-ranging selection of standard solutions, IMEM can also design the exact made-to-measure BOXlift© which you and your business need, adapting it to your precise specifications.

Flexible and straightforward installation
BOXlift© installation is designed to cause the minimum disruption to the day-to-day operation of your busi- ness, and does not require messy on-site building work. BOXlift© requires no extra space at all for its installation. No major construction work is necessary inside your building: the BOXlift© comes with its own freestanding modular structure, fully capable of bearing the weight of the whole system.

Rapid installation
BOXlift© installation is very fast: just ten weeks after signing the order, your BOXlift© will be in place and ready to start work.

No machine room, no pit and no shaft headroom
BOXlift© requires no machine room, no shaft headroom and no pit – everything needed for its effective opera- tion is housed within its freestanding structure, includ- ing a 100mm shaft pit.

BOXlift© will reduce your operating costs: its energy consumption is significantly lower than that of conven- tional lift platforms.

Simple and safe to use
Transporting goods with BOXlift© is very straightfor- ward and completely safe for the operative.

Durability and high performance
BOXlift© is a long-lasting installation designed to work intensively, reliably and efficiently over many years. It is a robust goods lift, equipped with sturdy and hard-wearing lift cars which guarantee the safe trans- port of goods. Many different options are available to adapt each BOXlift© to your particular needs: in-car buffer rails and kick plates, hard-wearing floor finish- es in aluminium or steel chequer plate, manual shutter gates, picket gates…

BOXlift Pro©

BOXlift PRO© has been designed by applying special modifica- tions to our best-seller Boxlift© goods only lift specifically ori- ented to allow one or two competent attendants to accompany the freight safely and easily:

The lift car has been equipped with a car operation panel which incorporates a constant pressure push button and emergency stop switch. The car operation panel can be equipped with a position display and voice synthesizer as an option.
To switch on the attendant mode, a key switch has been in- cluded in the lift car to allow the attendant to operate the lift from inside the car.
The lift can also be controlled by an automatic operation at landing.
The attendant’s security is fully guaranteed by a category 2* full height light ray installed in the car entrance. The landing doors are supplied with vision panels to ensure total visibility. The lift also incorporates an alarm in case of entrapment and it can be equipped with a telephone as an option.
BOXlift PRO© has all the advantages of the original Boxlift plus some improvements specifically oriented to make it the abso- lutely best good lifts with attendant of the market.

Door Options

01442 265111

available from 09:00 – 17:00